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#FemkuMag Submission Guidelines

Minor changes have been made as of September 1, 2024.

Please review thoroughly prior to submitting. 







Editorial Staff:

Rowan Beckett Minor, Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Vandana Parashar, International Women’s Month Editor

Carissa Coane, Social Media and Assistant Editor

Kelly Sargent, Assistant Editor

Publication Schedule:

Spring Issue (International Women’s Month)

Edited by Vandana Parashar

Open to women-identifying poets only

Submit: January 1-31


Summer Issue

Edited by Rowan Beckett Minor & Carissa Coane

Open to women, non-binary, & trans-identifying poets only

Submit: May 1-31


Autumn/Winter Issue

Edited by Rowan Beckett Minor  & Kelly Sargent

Open to women, non-binary, & trans-identifying poets only

Submit: September 1-30



Individual Poems: 4-8 unpublished Haiku, Senryu, One-liners, Tanka, Kyoka, Cherita, and/or Concrete 'Ku.


Linked/Hybrid Poems: Up to 3 unpublished Haibun, Tanka Prose, Gembun, Haiga, Rengay, Tan-renga, Multi-ku, Haiku sequences. 


Themes: #FemkuMag is open to any topics (including experimental and speculative), but especially champions original, authentic poems that showcase a unique perspective and are well-rooted in technique. We also gravitate towards underrepresented voices who amplify their own personal experiences with mental health, disability, gender and sexuality, poverty, trauma, and other major life transformations. 


What We Won't Accept: Work that is racist, sexist, or prejudice against any group of people, AI art or poetry, stock images, Googled images, erasures, found poems, free verse, prose, or other genres of writing not listed above, and/or previously published poems, including those which have appeared on websites, blogs, and/or social media. 


Payment: #FemkuMag is run by a team of volunteers and is a no-fee, no-pay venue.


Response Time: Varies, depending on the editor’s process. If it has been longer than 3 weeks since your submission, please query with the editorial team. 


Disclaimers and Rights: By submitting, the author agrees that the work submitted is their own original work and has not been plagiarized or previously made public by means of publication, websites, blogs, and/or social media. Should poem(s) be accepted, the author also agrees to refrain from sharing the poem(s) accepted by #FemkuMag until the release of the issue your poem(s) are published in. #FemkuMag releases rights back to the author upon publication, but asks that #FemkuMag is credited as the first publication source, should your poem(s) be republished. #FemkuMag also reserves the right to reprint your poem(s) in an end-of-the-year anthology, as well as use your poem(s) for promotion on social media platforms. 


Where to Submit: To make things easier on the editorial team, we are now using this Google Form during the respected submission periods. If your poem contains an image or special formatting not supported by the Google Form, please email the file in an attachment here with the subject line "Submission Attachment" after completion of the form. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify the editorial team to withdraw your poem(s) as soon as possible. 


Google Form Submissions Here

Email Attachments Here

Join Our Mailing List Here


Book Reviews:

The goals for this brand new section of the journal are to build community, promote underrepresented voices, and encourage new reading material. If you have a short book review to be considered for publication in #FemkuMag, please read the guidelines below. 


  1.  Books for review do not need to be current, but the author must identify as transgender, gender-expansive, or a woman. Reviews of anthologies will also be considered, but at least 75% of included poets must meet the listed demographic(s) and they must be the sole focus of the review. 

  2.  Unfortunately we will not accept authors who review their own work. Should you like your book reviewed, please kindly ask a fellow Haijin, or email the #FemkuMag team and we will help find someone to review your book. 

  3.  All reviews should be under 500 words and include the book title, author’s name, press name, publication year, and purchasing information. If the book is out of print, please make a note. Send reviews to Editor-in-Chief, Rowan Beckett, here with "Book Review Submission" as the subject line.




Rowan Beckett Minor, Founder and Editor-in-Chief

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© 2018 by Rowan Beckett Minor

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